early christmas decorations

Do you catch yourself groaning when you see that someone has such an abundance of Christmas spirit that they’ve put up all their decorations in September?

Do you shake your head in dismay at yourself when you realize that you’re halfway through the year and still haven’t taken down any of last year’s Christmas decorations?

Well, you shouldn’t have those reactions in either situation, because apparently those who have their Christmas decorations up early or have them around for longer are happier, friendlier, and, in fact, healthier people!

And no, this isn’t just a random statement: it’s a proven scientific fact.

Image Credit: cfusrug.org

The Journal of Environmental Psychology recently included a study in their journal that proved that Christmas decorations can have a very positive effect on a person’s wellbeing both socially and mentally.

Steve McKeown from the McKeown Clinic, a psychoanalyst, adds some pretty interesting explanations to these findings.

According to McKeown, many individuals associate Christmas decorations with their childhood, making for nostalgic, positive vibes and memories.

Although some individuals do put up decorations obsessively or extremely early for symptomatic reasons, most people put them up earlier than expected for nostalgia.

Sometimes, this is done to relive the whimsical magic of the moment from their childhoods, and others, it’s done to compensate for negative memories or past neglect.

Image Credit: Pixabay

With how busy and bustling the world is, it’s no surprise that many people associate festive decorations with happiness and happy thoughts.

Since everyday life can be very stressful and may cause anxiety to a lot of people, putting up Christmas decorations can harken back to a positive childhood, acting as a pathway to remembering more magical, peaceful times and the excitement they brought.

So how do Christmas decorations improve your social life? It’s all about perception.

Setting up decorations early allows for a more friendly appearance, and this can make you seem more approachable to those around you, especially your neighbors.

A nicely decorated and well-lit exterior to a home can subconsciously communicate attachment and a desire to integrate into the social activities of a neighborhood.

Image Credit: Pixabay

On top of that, the nostalgic feeling one gets from setting up festive decorations also infects the rest of the neighbourhood, creating a feeling that can be both enchanting and bittersweet.

For some, Christmas can remind them of a lost loved one, or their life as children when they still believed in Santa.

If you’re still not convinced early Christmas decorations are a good thing, there’s also evidence that suggests they can make you healthier.

The happiness that you might experience from being around these decorations causes your body to release a number of positive hormones, including serotonin, endorphins, and dopamine.

Not only do these hormones act as painkillers at the most natural level possible, but they can also help to boost memory and may even increase your energy levels. There’s also a chance that they can boost the immune system and help reduce symptoms of depression.

Image Credit: Pixabay

So you’ve heard it here! If you celebrate Christmas, don’t feel any shame in putting your decorations up early.

And if you don’t celebrate Christmas, start decorating early for anything you celebrate to get these benefits, too!

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