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Pastor’s Son Goes On Stage Before Service, Starts Preaching And Has Entire Church In Stitches

Children learn an impressive amount within their first few years of life.

From crawling and walking to talking and communicating, it is truly amazing what these toddlers can fit into their tiny heads.

The quality of parenting that a child receives is one of the most important factors contributing to their ability to learn and develop at a proper rate.

For example, a child will never learn a language if parents weren’t communicating with him or her each day.

On the other hand, children are able to learn more than one language at a time if they have enough exposure.

Parents primarily teach their young children by being role models. Infants and toddler will imitate their parents.

This is one of their primary forms of learning. By copying what their parents say and do, children are learning to navigate the surrounding world.

This is why parents are very careful about the things they say and do. Children, especially toddlers, are incredibly suggestible and impressionable.

While this proclivity can have negative results if parents are performing bad behaviors, this imitation can have incredibly positive results with the right parents.

There’s a popular video showing how much one toddler has been watching his father. This boy’s father is a pastor at a local church.

Every week, the small boy watches his father give sermons to a room full of attentive people. One day, the toddler wandered onto the stage to give his own sermon.

Although the toddler’s speech wasn’t as coherent as his father’s sermons, the audience was slightly more entertained.

Fortunately, somebody had their phone handy to capture the hilarious incident on video.

The toddler’s father can’t be angry at what happened.

After all, his son is following in his footsteps.