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Distressed Soldier On Delayed Flight Video Call Birth Of His First Child

Mississippi soldier Brooks Lindsey was rushing to board a plane so that he could be by his wife Haley’s side while she gave birth.

Unfortunately, Lindsey’s flight was delayed, so he couldn’t make it in time.

The couple knew that the baby was coming soon, so Brooks decided to get home in order to help his wife prepare for the birth.

On the way to the plane, Brooks learned that the birth began sooner than expected.

There were further complications because she had preeclampsia, a pregnancy-induced form of hypertension. This condition was placing the unborn child under duress.

Haley was able to contact her husband via special military channels and the Red Cross.

As soon as Brooks heard the news, he scheduled a flight, but his wife’s water broke 3 hours before Brooks’ flight was set to depart.

Furthermore, it turned out that the flight would be delayed by 2 hours. When he realized he would not be able to get to his wife in time, he became distressed.

However, Haley’s mother-in-law came up with a way for Brooks to watch the birth.

She connected with him through a social media app that allowed him to be present electronically in the delivery room.

Brooks sat on the floor at the airport and watched his child being born on his smartphone screen.

His wife gave birth to a healthy baby girl. The couple decided to name her Millie.

Everyone at the airport quickly learned why the soldier was huddled on the ground in tears. Images of the soldier were posted online and have gone viral.

When onlookers heard the cries of the newborn baby, there was much rejoicing at the airport.

A woman stated that she wanted to remember this event as a testament to the soldiers who risk their lives for their fellow countrymen.

When airport staff were hurrying Brooks aboard the plane, the doctor could be heard on his smartphone shouting that he shouldn’t board yet because the baby had arrived.