
fly contaminates food
The bane of all who work with food (especially during summer months when they seem to start breeding like crazy), flies are a nightmare. Cooks and customers alike loathe this foul insect and many parts of the world have come to know and praise the reassuring zap of the electric fly swatter. Who doesn’t have a practiced arm for shooing away...
sea lice bites
The hot weather can attract all kinds of unpleasant creepy crawlies. We all hate weird animals that can make us ill in so many unexpected ways - but we'd bet you never thought you'd have to be scared of them in the sea! Well, if you want to know a way to stay safer over the summer heat make sure to...
ketogenic diet
To quote the father of medicine, Hippocrates, “Let food be thy medicine and medicine be thy food.” In less fancy terms, you are what you eat. And in this modern day and age when one is beset from all sides with tons of processed foods and unhealthy preservatives that can harm your body over time, this old adage still rings...
stroke-after contracting chicken pox
Hardly anyone has ever heard of an adult getting the chickenpox. It always seems to be a virus that you and your peers around you get as a child, or even as a toddler. There is a reason for this. Caused by the varicella zoster virus, the chickenpox is a disease that, upon a successful recovery, one gets immunization to. In an...
grape stuck child's throat
Just when you have finally finished baby-proofing your home and think you have memorised all the safety rules for your children, along comes another viral image carrying a grim warning that’s sure to haunt you for the rest of your child-rearing days. For years, the American Academy of Pediatrics has maintained a list of foods that carry the reputation of...
toxic baby food
It would be assumed that in the preparation of making baby food, quality of the utmost standards would be upheld by the manufacturers. After all, as parents, we desire the best for our children, to the point of putting their health and welfare above our own. Such intense care easily extends to ensuring our children eat healthy, safe, and nutritious meals...
baby meningitis
Perhaps one of the worst things to experience as a mother is to watch helplessly as your child falls gravely ill. It only gets worse when the diagnosis is a disease that has a vaccination but no cure for your child. Childcare is hard work, especially when the child in question is a newborn. Just like any other young parent, Alex Dempsey...
chips ahoy cookie death
Peanut allergies are among the most common food allergies in the world. For a simple ingredient to be so deadly for a select group of people is often terrifying to think about - and when fatalities occur that could have been easily prevented, it’s nothing short of heartbreaking. Kellie Travers-Stafford is well-acquainted with this form of heartbreak. She and her husband...
stop reheating rice
All students love eating heated leftovers - it's a cheap and easy way to revisit the delicious takeaway you could afford last night with the last remains of your student loan. However, science has discovered that there's one food that you should definitely never reheat - rice! Everyone loves rice. It's really easy to make, ridiculously cheap and, when you order...
woman blind expired mascara
We are always very discerning when it comes to expiration dates on food. We know very well that milk that has gone off can make us feel sick, but unfortunately we rarely apply the same standards to other products that we use day to day - like makeup! Many women will agree that makeup is a part of their daily routine....

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