
man poops airpod
When a Taiwanese man named Hsu, a resident of Kaohsiung, fell asleep with his Airpods still stuck in his ears, he was startled to wake up the next morning and discover that the Airpod in his right ear was missing. Even more surprising was the fact that after the device fell out of his ear, he had swallowed it and...
Ciara Gan hand painted dress
Like most other 17-year-olds, Ciara Gan was excited for her graduation ball. The Filipino student knew she wanted to wear the perfect dress for the occasion - and so she decided to make an entire hand-painted dress from scratch. At first, Ciara hired someone to make her dress, which she designed herself, but she was unhappy with the result. Despite having barely...
10 important tips by cop
It can be dangerous out in the big wide world. Unsavory characters may be around at any given moment. If you’re alone at night or in potentially unsafe locations, it’s a good idea to be prepared and to know how to react in the event of an emergency or an attack. Here are some tips to keep yourself alive. 1 If a thief...
doctor dropping twin baby
Derrick and Monique Rodgers were excited and nervous when the day arrived for Monique to deliver her babies - two lovely little twin girls. But the day took a horrifying turn when a doctor dropped one of the newborn babies on her head. The couple, who hails from Chandler, Arizona, arrived at the Chandler Regional Medical Center on Valentine’s Day. The babies...
Paul Scharoun-DeForge dies
It can be difficult for society to accept those with disabilities, especially of the intellectual or developmental kind. Many hold the false belief that individuals with these disabilities will not be able to live full lives. Not only is that entirely false, but it’s also rather insulting - especially when you consider stories like these. Paul Scharoun-DeForge and Kris Scharoun-DeForge, aged 56...
girl loses hair product
Consumers should always read labels - for food, beauty or anything. Doing so would prevent unnecessary worries and troubles to come. This is the story of an 11-year-old girl named Eliana Lawrence, who lost most of her beautiful red hair due to one beauty product. 2 years ago and right before she turned 10-years-old, Eliana's hair started to fall off, patch by...
woman fingers black gangrene
Just when you think the world isn’t scary enough as it is, life throws another fastball at you to deal with, especially when it comes to your health in particular. Thanks to the advent of modern medicine and the common, public knowledge everyone has about diseases and illness, life for humanity at present is probably at its longest, safest, and...
9-yr-old sees mom grab chest
Have you ever noticed that children watch and mimic the things you do? My three-year-old watches everyone while they eat and will drink when his grandpa drinks and wipe his face with a napkin when his grandma does! It is not only adorable, but it is how children learn. Kimberly Smith is a full-time mom that started to have chest pains...
car hood pinecones squirrel
A Michigan man had quite a shocking surprise recently when he opened the hood of his car. He was amazed to discover that local squirrels had stashed away about 50 pounds of pine cones in and around his engine and other car parts. The car's owner, Kellen Moore of Gaylor, was prompted to check things out under the hood after hearing...
woman throwing away puppies
Coachella is one of the most talked-about and anticipated music events of the year. However, someone who was on their way to Coachella saw something that they really did not want to see. There were three day-old Terrier puppies that were in danger. A woman had tied them up in a bag and threw them in the dumpster. Riverside County Animal Services...

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